Customer Testimonials

See what our clients are saying about us!

"We have worked with Avid Hawk for 8 years and everything I needed them to do on our website they had it done in 12 hour, they do a great job."

- Randy

"I knew it…you are THE BEST!!!"

- Deb

"Thank you for the awesome service!"

- Doug

"That turned out amazing thanks, you have done a awesome job thanks thanks thanks u guys are the best!!!!!"

- Rocky

"Avid Hawk has been very good to us, their competition has called me with what they have to offer and Avid Hawk has been going it for us for why much less money. They have been very helpful"

- Randy

"Ryan and team members.... I am impressed with your business and how helpful you are with everything you do for us. KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK."

- Randy

"Just wanted to say thank you for all the great work you guys are doing in updating, taking things down and putting new things up on the website!!! It all looks great!"

- Leigh

"Since Avid Hawk LLC has started to help me with my Lettuce business it has really taken off. The marketing was a struggle at first but not anymore. Always a professional job when needed!!"

- Larry

"Avid Hawk created a website for our breast cancer support group... awesome job. Very professional and wonderful to work with."

- Candace

"Thanks for taking the initiative! You have definitely gone above and beyond! Thanks so much."

- Sandi

De Smet Location

108 US Hwy. 14 W.
PO Box 470
De Smet, SD 57231
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Watertown Location

28 1st St. NW
PO Box 1565
Watertown, SD 57201
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About Avid Hawk

We are a creative marketing company with locations in Watertown and De Smet, SD (located between Huron, SD and Brookings, SD on hwy. 14) that specializes in graphic design, website development, and digital marketing. Local service area includes most of South Dakota and North Dakota, however, we are happy to discuss your project over the phone if you are based in the United States.